Leukoderma: Types of leukoderma, Causes, Symptoms, Prevention, and Treatment

Vivek Trivedi
Posted by

Vivek Trivedi

Sep 29, 2024

Leukoderma, sometimes known as vitiligo, is a type of skin disease that causes white patches on several body parts due to the loss of pigmentation. This disease is widely identified but has not been given wide opportunities to spread awareness to society. Therefore, the deceased person has to face humiliation from society due to a lack of correct information.

We have seen a lot of people who have brief information about the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for leukoderma. And, on a descriptive note, In this blog, we will go into the complexities of leukoderma, its impact on our daily life, and the recent research on the available treatment options.

What is leukoderma

leukoderma is also called achromoderma in which there is a total loss of epidermal melanin. There is reduced pigmentation which causes white patches on skin. It has many causes of occurring leukoderma.

It starts with small white patches on the skin which enlarge with time. they merge with each other over period of time. The area of white patches differs from person to person. The appearance of white patches is more distinguishable in dark-skinned people.

It is a chronic autoimmune disease, also called vitiligo. it becomes severe when white spots cover all over the body including the genitals, eyes, and scalp.

Difference between Hypopigmentation and Vitiligo

Hypopigmentation and vitiligo are skin conditions characterized by patches of skin that are lighter than the rest of the body. They occur when specialized skin cells (melanocytes) do not make enough of the skin-darkening pigment called melanin, which leads to partial or complete loss of skin pigmentation (color).

Hypopigmentation is the reduced skin pigmentation that can be present in people at birth or after a few more years.

Vitiligo happens when the immune system of our body destroys the melanin cells of the body. It is an autoimmune disease.

Types of leukoderma

Non-segmental Leukoderma

people suffer from leukoderma 90% of them are Non-segmental Vitiligo. In this type, people often have symmetrical patches on the body. It can occur in every part of the body. it can also spread in the mucous membrane, inside the mouth, nostrils, eyelids, etc. This is further classified into groups as Universal leukoderma, Focal leukoderma, Mucosal leukoderma, Acrofacial leukoderma.

Segmental leukoderma

only 10% of people suffer from this type. the spots and patches vary from Non-segmental vitiligo. the spots appear only in half of the body or a segment of the body. the treatment of segmental vitiligo varies from Non-segmental vitiligo.

Who is prone to leukoderma

leukoderma can occur in any person irrespective of sex, region, etc. It occurs usually in the early stages of life, only 5% of people can have this disease after the age of 40 years.

Causes of leukoderma

Although there is no scientific evidence of the main cause of happening leukoderma in a person but there are some factors which are responsible for this-
Immune system: When our own immune system starts acting against the healthy cells of the body. It starts destroying the melanocytes in the body which give the color to the skin.

Hereditary reasons:

our genes are also responsible for this disease. A study talks about it that 30%of cases of vitiligo are just because of genetics.


bacterial, viral, and fungal infections are also responsible for this disease to happen in a person like lichen planus, syphilis, leprosy dermatitis, lichen sclerosis and other diseases.


people who are working in the industries are exposed to some harmful chemicals which trigger the cause of happening of leukoderma.

Neurological cause

The nerves which are ending to the skin are not capable of carrying melanocytes causing the depigmentation of the skin.

Skin procedures

chemical peeling and laser treatment also can cause leukoderma.

Symptoms of leukoderma

There are many visible signs by which you can assume that one is suffering from vitiligo:

  • White patches and spots on the body, the change in the color of the retina, hairs of the affected person start becoming white(greying).
  • When the affected person is exposed to the sun and sweat the feeling of itchiness starts.
  • Depigmentation of the skin areas exposed to the sun
  • The symptoms of leukoderma are more visible in people with dark skin.
  • The skin inside the mouth and nose starts losing its color.
  • Sometimes it appears as pinkish patches on the skin rather than white patches.
  • It can appear in the areas where skin rubs together as under the armpits, in groins, in between buttocks, etc.

Diagnosis of leucoderma

The patients are observed by doctors under the Wood lamp method also called as Blacklight method in which ultraviolet light is applied to the affected areas of skin to appear chalky and bright if they have vitiligo.
A biopsy of the skin is done to examine the missing melanocytes in the skin.
Blood tests are done to check the autoimmune disease in the person.

Treatment of leucoderma

Vitiligo is not a contagious and communicable disease i.e. it does not spread in coming with the contact of an infected person. It is not a life-threatening disease means does not cause death.
There are some methods by which it is manageable: surgeries, light therapy,medication

Surgery- The skin of the normal area of the body parts is removed and grafted in the affected areas of the person.

Light therapy- Narrow band ultra violate rays are used in light therapy to manage vitiligo.

Medication- Doctors prescribe to use the topical solutions and to take oral pills.

Cosmetic Camouflage- Hair dyes and makeup are used.

There are some ayurvedic herbs which are used to treat vitiligo:

  • Apply a mixture of turmeric and mustard oil on the affected areas of the body.
  • Mixture of lemon juice and basil leaves is also applied on the affected areaS.
  • Keep hydrated your skin to avoid rashes on the skin.
  • Consume foods with high anti-oxidant properties.


There are many things which help you to manage the vitiligo:

  • A Vitiligo person is advised to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun.
  • Always use sunscreen with higher SPF to avoid rashes and sunburn.
  • Use cotton clothes which cover full body and use hats.
Leukoderma and vitiligo are closely related, but both are not the same. Vitiligo is a specific type of leukoderma and is a well-known skin condition where the immune system mistakenly attacks the pigment-producing cells (melanocytes), leading to white patches on the skin. The cause of vitiligo is often autoimmune or genetic. Leukoderma (meaning "white skin") is a broader term that can relate to any condition that shows loss of skin pigmentation. While vitiligo is the most common form of leukoderma, there are other causes, such as trauma, burns, or certain skin conditions that also result in pigment loss. Simply, vitiligo is a form of leukoderma, but leukoderma can refer to any condition where the skin loses pigment.
The main cause of leukoderma is the loss of pigmentation in the skin.   
As of my knowledge Leukoderma(vitiligo), is generally not considered curable.
Vivek Trivedi
Written by

Vivek Trivedi

Vivek Trivedi is a versatile expert with knowledge in health, yoga, medicine, beauty, and travel. He offers holistic insights on wellness through yoga and natural health practices, while also sharing expertise in beauty and skincare. Additionally, his travel guidance focuses on wellness tourism and enriching experiences. His approach combines traditional knowledge with modern practices for overall well-being.